Originally Posted By: Fishmonger
Originally Posted By: Mike Condron
An idea:
A hefty deposit on your WAG bag. If you choose to not return it for your deposit, used or not, just leave it somewhere on the trail in sight. Somebody will return it for the hefty deposit.
I'm thinking hefty is $50-$75.

There are probably many devilish details.

who will collect my credit card at Crabtree Meadows when I enter the Whitney zone from the other side?

Right now one in two hikers just walk right past the bin with wag bags sitting there at the JMT intersection...

In management, this is known as "managing for the 1%".

Briefly stated, it is a logic system that has as it's goal, 100% performance. This might be required for a system to make sure that the wrong kidney is not removed in an operation. But for most things in life, the problem solving involved is not needful of a 100% solution. If the current compliance is 75%, then a boost to 95% would be a big, big deal.

The problem is when perfect becomes the enemy of good, and because we can't get that last 5%, we instead will settle for 75%. This kind of logic is just wrong and self-defeating.

On Acongacua, here is the procedure, just for TRASH:

"The checkpoint is right next to it in a tent where every visitor receives a numbered garbage bag that is registered in your permit. When leaving the park you either have to take the bag with you or the pack transportation team has to confirm in writing (a signature in your permit) that the garbage is taken away on the pack animals. Any violation of this rule will be fined with US$ 100."

So you have to carry a wag-bag across the Sierra to exit at Whitney. Price of doing business.