This story was told to me on the trail after I told another hiker about a ranger who I talked to about bear barrels and the ranger tells me "Those bear barrels are a joke!!! You can only get 4 days worth of food in them and you think I am going to carry two? Hell no! I sleep with food under my pillow!"

So this hiker says yeah that used to be me until one night he was laying out at Lake Reflection with food under his pillow and he feels drops hitting his face and not opening his eyes he thinks "it's starting to rain" and then it comes to him "wait I have a tarp over me so it can't be rain" so he opens his eyes to find a bear straddled over him with his nose a few inches from his face with saliva dripping on his face. So he screams out loud AAAAAAHHHHHH!!!!! and he says the bear was as scared as him as the look on the bears face was of complete shock as he leaps off of him and runs away. And well he no longer sleeps with food under his pillow. =P