Originally Posted By: Ken
What is the problem of turning people away if conditions are dangerous?

Then you have taken on the responsibility of turning people away if any dangerous condition of any kind exists....which means that you turn people away all the time, because the cables are ALWAYS dangerous, that darn slippery rock and that pesky slippery cable. And then they have to supply rock shoes, and tie in carabiners and harnesses, water, guides, insurance, etc, etc, etc


people can be warned that wilderness is inherently wild and dangerous, and they are taking responsibility for their own safety.

So if I understand: they can warn of danger, but not stop anyone lest it lead down the proverbial "slippery slope".

It appears ironic that from the "Control Timing of Use commentary, Yosemite is using safety as the primary reason to dismiss it:

This alternative was dismissed because it does not meet the purpose of increasing safety along the trail corridor. A late ascent time could have pose safety risks for many hikers. Most people plan their hike to Half Dome to take advantage of all daylight hours. Forcing some users to wait to ascend until the late afternoon would result in an increase in the number of hikers. Potential consequences of having to wait for a later ascent time could make their day even longer. There have been numerous search and rescue incidents caused by completing the return portion of their trip after dark. In addition, delaying people until later in the day means they are at the summit in the afternoon when thunderstorms are more likely.