Originally Posted By: RoguePhotonic
You analogy's are very comical DUG although i'm not sure I understand the one about the super bright lights, I don't know how candle light rating compare to lumens but I carry a 100 lumen flashlight and would actually like to buy that 300 lumen headlamp =P, whether you shine that massive light in the eyes of those that pass you is a whole different thing lol.

The Ipod one is not the same also, it's based on face value, the reasons why it bothers them and is rude is quite simple, why a gun is bothersome I think we have already shown to be a far more complex matter, one which we cannot resolve between us.

Glad I bring a little humor - I try not to take some things too seriously. My flashlight analogy is simple - Openly carrying a gun in the backcountry (or car camping spots) is basicly visually offensive. It is certainly legal (usualy) and one's RIGHT to do so, but it makes a lot of people uneasy. The light I picked out for my analogy is rated at 3335 lumes which will make your 300 lume light look like a pen light on a sunny day. It is legal for me to use any light I want to hike the trail and it has been suggested that Just Because I Want To should be good enough reason. Even if it is visually offensive to most and would frighten Stevie Wonder. Same thing for the iPod and speakers. I haven't heard of a law that makes rocking one illegal on the trail.

My analogy, my point, my reason for typing is - I beleive that those who open carry are doing it for attention even though they know it is visually offensive to some and could cause some to be uneasy.

If I were a bad guy in the backcountry I would TARGET someone open carrying. Why? He/she probably has something worth protecting and I can see the damn thing. It's those I can't see and track that I would stay away from. If nothing else while I distract him and my partner hits them over the head with a sierra provided rock, we will score his gun and pack.....................................................DUG