Went up on Saturday attempting an overnight. Abandoned just below Iceberg around 7:00pm and came back down that night. The Thursday storm had apperantly dumped alot above LBSL but rain came Friday and took a bunch of the snow out according to a group I met who had spent a few days backpacking up in the area. It was snowing alot above UBSL Saturday night but was quite warm. A large majority of the ice and snow between UBSL and LBSL had disappeared in a few hours. Winds were gusting pretty good on and off, sometimes it was dead still and others was like a hurricane. Major postholing and falling between rocks in drifty spots above UBSL was making movement difficult.

Suspect roughly the same conditions on MWT but without the postholing between rocks problem since there is more of a trail to work with. The MR didn't really have any sort of followable trail at the time. Sunday's weather has probably changed conditions a bit.

Basic snowcover directly East of Whitney windows:

It wasnt very cold, but the snow/rain was off and on. Used a weather shell top with soft shell pants and gaiters and microspikes. Weather was plenty warm.