I have talked to Dan's wife -- she's got her family in the car and is taking them back toward Seattle. Dropped the resupply stuff at the Texaco. She vows Dan cannot do the PCT -- she won't survive the trauma.

Hope Brett turns on his phone -- He'll get a bunch of text messages, and find his stuff.

I asked if the hikers worked out a plan when they separated. They didn't. Three just said they were going to go on. So the three ahead did not know how/where the slower three were at all tonight; or for the last three days for that matter. As far as they know at this point, they're still out on the trail. Don't know where Brett is, but most probably it's somewhere in Winthrop.

I'll find out more when I finally talk with Brett. But I am thinking they just felt they had to move on if they were going to make Rainy Pass before their food ran out. And rightly so. They had planned on taking 4 days, but it took 5 as it was.

The slower group had covered half the required distance to Rainy Pass in 4 days. Lucky for them the bail-out road was there.