Originally Posted By: WhitneyHiker085
Seems like a lot of people are getting lost heading on down from Trail Camp, or at least, that's what I've been reading and that freak accident that happened not too long ago, was somewhere around the same area down from Trail Camp.

Does anyone know if there is some sort of foot path that people are following that's leading them to the wrong path (which happens to take them towards the waterfall above Outpost camp) where they are supposed to stick to the left / towards the rock down to Mirror Lake?

If you don't know where the actual trail is, the natural drainage when you head down from Trail Crest splits off to the right. The trail stays well to the left, heading out onto a "nose" or ridge. From the top of this ridge (as you are heading down and east), Mirror Lake is to your left. The trail makes its way down to Mirror Lake, but it is fairly steep in that area, much steeper than if you continue following the natural drainage slope more to the right/south.

Unfortunately, if you follow the drainage, you can get into some steep areas and that waterfall. So try to follow the regular trail more-or-less. Here's an interactive map from Gmap4 that you can use to scroll around on.

Map in a separate window is here