Lawyer talk? Thanks a lot. Its just geometry. The walking (or driving) downhill, between Tioga Pass and El Portal, is all within Yosemite. So the trips between Yosemite and WP are uphill in both directions. Applied to Stanford, there are a bunch of residences (I had in mind Junipero Serra Blvd) at about 200 feet of elevation. So Young Wagga walks to campus to report to work either at the Dish (el 500 ft) or SLAC (el 300 feet, and the subject of the previous WITWHH). Uphill. Then he goes to class at the physics building on Lomita Mall, el. 100 feet or so. After class, he returns home, el. 200 ft. Uphill both ways. The reason the 1/21/62 date is out? Ground was broken on SLAC in April of that year, and the Dish was built in 1966. The key clue was the observation above that Campus, unlike Gramps's school, is an area, not a point. Just geometry.

Wherever you go, there you are.